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Pedih .

Hai bloggers . Hello viewers . i had just finished my SPM on Tuesday . wow ! happy tak terkata after habis paper Ekonomi Asas hari itu . even last day SPM , i still try my best on that EA paper . and alhamdullilah , i did it ! :) lepas semua penat lelah yang saya tanggung selama ini . and i satisfied on what yang saya dah jawap . so now , just wait on the result . OMG ! i hope i pass all the papers . Insya-Allah . pray for me okay guys ? :))

after SPM , another problems come . actually , i don't know where to start the story . but , is that my fault ? my dear and beloved boyfren , i just want to meet you only  ! i just want to see your face ! why so hard arh ? u promise to meet me this Thursday . but you suddenly cancelled it and say you want to go fishing with your dad and uncle . OMG! can you just cancelled it first for me ? and today you can't also for the same reason . i can't stand like this . i want to see you . i want to meet you even for a while . i'm sick being like this. :'(

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